Thursday, January 2, 2014

The beginning

As the new year is upon us I decided that I needed to start a blog again (thanks to my friend KT).... not only will it be good for showing off my scrapbooking stuff, but a good way to talk about things that I need to scrapbook :)

This year I decided that I need to have a few resolutions... 
  1. I will stop drinking anything with caffeine in it
  2. I will start this blog
  3. I will lose 20 pounds. I need to become healthier.
  4. I will scrapbook. I have not scrapbooked in almost 3 years and need to get back at it. 
  5. I will finish my 2014 project life scrapbook.
  6. I will cook more meals for my family.
  7. I will attend church on a more regular basis.
  8. I will make my families vacation this year better than last years!
  9. My scrapbook room will be organized.
  10. Bryan and I will make more time to go on dates.
That being said... welcome to my blog.... I can't wait to start this amazing year!

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